Tell me about yourself?

My name is Amador and I was born in Totatiche, Mexico. I had a hard life that shaped me to who I am today. Unfortunately before the age of 14 after both of my parents were killed, and I had experienced two life changing incidents. At 11 years was shot riding my Dad’s horse, and at 14 I was in a bicycle accident that broke most of my ribs. I came to the United States by myself when I was 14 to seek a better life. By listening to music and reading books I began to learn English. I knew that I wasn’t going to sit on my butt, I was going to go for it. I believed in giving myself options by going to Sequoia Institute to pursue my auto mechanic’s license, and going to SF culinary school in the 90’s. I currently am a cook at a O’Connor Hospital in San Jose.

How does your religion bring you strength?

Initially I was full of anger and seeking revenge until I found the book.
(Here are some the verses that were shared with me)
Genesis 1:26-27 Created in God’s Worship
Sirach 15:11 & 17:1 Free Will & Creation
Matthew 5:38, 5:43, & 6:5 Eye for an Eye, Love for Enemies, Hypocrites
Psalms 119 Law of the Lord
Wisdom 13 False Worship

How does forgiveness give you strength?

Forgiveness changed my life, in 95’ I was in Delano, California. I came to visit my enemies with no intentions of being violent, I brought a Bible with me and forgave them for all that they did to me. When I was walking away I felt weightless, light from the anger, resentment, and issues that I had dropped. 3 days later I ended up getting a call from O’Connor Hospital and I’ve been there for the past 16 years to this day. By harboring anger and hate, you’re hurting yourself, but when you ask for help that’s when your journey begins.

What messages would like to share to a larger audience?

When you do good deeds and forgive someone that has hurt you. bring food to someone that is hungry, and see things with a different perspective, then you will see what your purpose is. You cannot feel poor when God creates you perfect with eyes, hands, feet, and a mind. I don’t care what you look like, where you come from, your size, your age, your ethnicity, we are all equal. We cannot judge each other, because we are all brothers and sisters. Everything God gave you makes you perfect, and we create great things from our free will.


